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Cover Letter for Fresher - Assistant Nurse

Assistant nursing cover letters are similar to the short business applications. They are designed to focus on your educational background and on your professional credentials. Your cover letter should be outstanding enough to direct your job recruiter's attention towards your application.
The main task or job of an assistant nurse is to provide health care to all the patients as per the guided instructions. Basically, their key duties or functions include working in a nursing home, running the medical facility and directing the nursing and medical staff. Your cover letter is an important medium of communication and therefore, it must be perfect and well-written. The application letter must be impressive enough to make the recruiters take a deeper look at your resume. In this way, your resume can get the golden opportunity of getting short-listed for an interview.

Assistant Nursing Cover Letter for Fresher: The format of Assistant nursing cover letter for fresher is as follows:
Rose Karen
Bluefish Society
11811 N Tatum Blvd # P180, Block - M, Lane 10,
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Contact Number - (732) 145 4904
Mary Smith
Hiring Manager
Central Bluelife Hospital
154 Thompson Street, Cole's Avenue,
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Dear Miss. Smith,
Re: Application for Assistant nursing position
I have applied for the post of Assistant nursing at Central Bluelife Hospital. Recently, I came across an advertisement in the Daily News, dated 20th July 2011, for the position of Assistant nursing at your well-established hospital. In addition, I have attached my relevant additional credentials as well as my resume with this application.
I have just completed my graduation in Nursing and Healthcare and have also done a Diploma course in Clinical Services and Costumer Service. Being a fresher to this field, I would like to begin my career with your renowned hospital. I believe that working in the guidance of your well-qualified team of doctors, surgeons and staff members would enhance my nursing skills. In addition, I have excellent communicative skills and therefore, I can provide useful services like helping nurses in medication, checking vital signs, bathing, feeding and grooming patients. I am eager to work at your hospital and therefore, I would appreciate if you consider my application.
I believe that my impressive credentials would perfectly match the job profile of the post applied for. As I am interested in working with you I would therefore look forward to have a word with you in person. Please call me on the above mentioned phone number or email address as per your convenience.
Thanking You.
Rose Karen
  • Resume
  • Educational Certificates
  • Supplementary Certificates
  • Address Proof
  • Identity Proof